Friday, May 25, 2018

Injury - Dennis Earl Smiley

Usually, I won't be posting very much news specific to just one person. I also won't usually be posting very much that is more private types of news. However, this warrants an exception. This news, is about myself! Normally, if I had any such news, I'd post it on Facebook on my personal page. But this is different. I want the public who might be reading this to know this at large.

I have had 2 new injuries (at least 2). One has been in my right elbow, and they called it tennis elbow. The other has been in my legs, and they called it a type of Arthritis. I have probably done some things to my other arm and in general that they did NOT catch.

Therefore, and this is the reason that it's relevant: If you do NOT see me online as much, this is why! Right now, I'm the one who maintains the network, including this website, and it's services. I'm just now able to give an update about things, just now.

At least until June, I must ease off of things for awhile. I will continue to make changes from my previous (similar) injuries, and will do more to not injure myself again.

However, I will NOT be stopping right now. Just look at the design to see why. It's currently here to stay, or expected to be. However, technology will hopefully get better to do what I do with less injuries.

Not at all complaining, just letting you know. As it is, I'm pioneering new uses and designs for home networks and everything, which is also why I'm posting here and stuff as I go. Once it's old hat, that someone would need to do this, the advertising of the concept would get less. Although I'm creating a design for all people, it is focused on people with disabilities, and especially forms of Autism.

I'm doing this because I have a form of Autism and this is the way I think. I started because I was looking for ANY way I could do things, and this is what I'd come up with. Not enough people had showed me other ways that worked for me, the key word being what worked for me, so I invented my own way. I'm still inventing it, but without lots of constraints anymore.

This was the key cause of the injuries I had, that and where I was at with just general knowledge of things. Not that it was that the "thing" caused it, just that the first time being reduced to the "thing" rather than the reason behind the "thing" caused it. Now, I was just not fast enough at fixing the "thing" enough to work properly. Because of both the inury before, and the ability now to do the setup work faster and better, and the missing knowledge of how to go about things in more ways within this way and to know more about how to exercise, I was injured again, in some newer ways.

I don't want to complain, as much as inform so this is all I'll say.

--- Dennis Earl Smiley ---

SMILEYNET Took Another Step

The SMILEYNET network took another step again! It has now switched ISPs. The network is now all setup to be both shared and used for Dennis Earl Smiley. It was switched now, because there was a promotion deal that made it cheaper to switch. Next step is to finish it 'til it's all finished for Dennis Earl Smiley to start to use, then for sharing in certain ways.

--- Dennis Earl Smiley ---