Monday, January 1, 2018

Digital Assistants Are All the Rage

Digital Assitants are becoming the NBT since smart phones these days. It is expected by the crowd to become even more of a thing in the next few years.

Amazon Echo has been release as one of the first hardware devices to be accepted into that fold. It caught on like android! Next came Google Home with some of the market share.

It is no secret anymore, that Apple is coming out with a HomePod, which will package Siri in a hardware device. But did you know that now Microsoft is getting in the game with it's Cortana assistant packaged in a hardware device? Yep it's true.

Will it be as good or better than Alexa? Will it "beat" Alexa at it's game? Time will tell.

Unfortunately, though they all work similar, you cannot at this point share what I am going to call "skills" or "Apps" between devices. Therefore, in today's world, I would recommend purchasing both Alexa and Google Home if you want to use much "skills". I'd hold off on the HomePod and the Cortana device for a few years if I were you, unless you are a die hard fan of either company and want to try the latest and greatest. Or unless you have a lot of cash to blow and want to invest in these products or be a beta tester of some sort, official or unofficial.

--- Dennis Earl Smiley ---

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